Non-Profit | Board Member Support
At Vegas Java Business Group our team has a track record of non-profit management and Board members consultations to grow the 501c3. In today’s non-profit landscape, charitable organizations are fighting for growth to support the valuable causes in helping others. At Vegas Java Business Group, we have the proven experience to help you grow with your organization. We have over 25 years in non-profit management.
We can help you in the following areas:
Collaborate with the Board of Directors to develop a vision for growth and shape and refine the overall strategic plan.
Identify opportunities and develop initiatives to leverage digital communication in order to drive organizational growth, innovation, and sustainability.
Provide operational insight to ensure development and continuity of the managerial, functional, and specialized skills necessary to accomplish goals.
Oversee all staff employees, while inspiring and motivating an expanding network of affiliate organizations and volunteer team members.
Create and maintain financial stability and manage the organization’s financial operations and develop and maintain annual financial plans and budgets.
Play a critical role in the development and diversification of revenues from a broad base of new and existing funding sources (e.g., corporate support, foundations, major donors, etc.).
Champion potential supporters and participate in making “the ask” with successful results.
Attend board and committee meetings as appropriate. Implement and execute all board-approved decisions. Inform the board of activities that may significantly affect the organization and promptly refer to the Chair any matters that may require board action.
Experts with major donors and sponsorships .
Enable the Board by providing them with the tools and materials to effectively complete its fiduciary duties.
Provide grant writing develop corporate sponsorships, obtain affiliate donations and assist with corporate fundraising with key leaders in the community for maximum revenue and partnerships.